Play them in:
they're free.
(I'll try and add notes for "minumum" versions for clips if I know
what they need. When in doubt, download the clip and try it.
Come back here and get the player, and email
me with what clip didn't play in what version so I can add notes!)
To download clips instead of watching them, right click or shift click the link. It will probably prevent the video becoming jerky.
F-Body Wild Times. (from www.f-bodyhideout.com)
- (10.5 MB) - F-Body wild times. Still one of the best videos of F-Bodies doing what they do best.
Definitely pay the web site a visit - they always have a bunch of cool clips.
Peter does donuts. (from www.motorpics.com)
- (6.5 MB) - Impromptu skidpad testing.
Peter smokes his clutch. (from www.motorpics.com)
- (9.5 MB) - Firebird burnout gone bad.
1998 Firebird commercials - originally from www.pontiac.com
and www.pontiacpower.net
- (3.6 MB) -introducing the 1998 Pontiac Firebird.
boo.avi - (2.3 MB) -more
1998 Firebird commercials. "so powerful it's scary"
hungry.avi - (2.4
MB) -the last 98 Firebird commercial. "The muscle car lives"
(These use mpeg4 encoding - divx will
play them. Media player 6.x should - 7.01 does.)
SSIN melting tires off his Firebird
tireblow.mpg -
(28 MB) - use media player or quicktime
main site
Valvoline "born to drive" commercial extract.
vroom.mpeg - (0.3MB)
- use media player or quicktime
How to "reboot" your computer
- (0.5 MB) - this one's been around for a while. Guy punches out
his PC.
Windows 98 blows up on Bill Gates during the CNN demo.
- (1.6MB) - use quicktime, and I betcha someone was looking
for a new job after this aired.
Nike Y2K commercial.
- (3.2 MB Quicktime) - (un)Fortunately, y2k was nowhere near as bad as this commercial made it out to be...
Molson Canadian "I am Canadian" commercial.
- (2.2 MB Quicktime) - I think I'll have to start a beer commercial section if I can get more commercial
clips...(and if you don't get it, I can't explain it to you...)
F-14 and the speed of sound in slow motion.
- (1.3 MB) - Slow motion shot of an F-14 at close to the speed of sound - you can see the shockwave
starting to form when the plane hits a cloud.
Not quite a bronze medal...
- (640 KB) - Olympic outtake.
Parasailing 101
- (1.2 MB) - Sponsored by your local chiropractor.
Saturday Night Live - All Drug Olympics
- (5.5 MB) - From 1980's vintage Saturday Night Live.
To download clips instead of watching them, right click or shift click the link.
Fourth Gen Firebird shots:
2001 Firebird brochure in pdf format.
Corvette Pics:
Some of these come from Chevrolet, some are pics I've found on the web
and usenet.
Callaway Sledgehammer Corvette.
Any 'vette that can do 254 mph is alright in my book.
The 1990 ZR-1.
Exotic and Show Cars:
couple shots of the Pontiac Rageous - a "dream car" from the early-mid
Other "unique" car shots: Assorted other shots:
Note: the Rageous has a V8 and rear-wheel drive. Pontiac
keeps teasing me with this stuff and then NOT building it. Instead,
we get the Aztek. <sigh>
Many of the above are courtesy of
they have a cool public image archive.
My $0.02 on the Winnipeg police:
You can use these tones to test your stereo's response:
10 hz test tone (4 meg zip)
20 hz test tone (4 meg zip)
30 hz test tone (4 meg zip)
40 hz test tone (4 meg zip)
50 hz test tone (4 meg zip)
60 hz test tone (4 meg zip)
70 hz test tone (4 meg zip)
80 hz test tone (4 meg zip)
90 hz test tone (4 meg zip)
all the above zipped up (35 meg zip)
Temporary Link to the FBody shop manuals:
Why temporary? Each one of these files is 100 megs in size. Trying to decide
on a better distribution method for them.
2006-Jan-11. Please don't use my images without giving credit.
For copyright questions, please contact the webmaster.