Who is Darren, and
why is he crazy enough to be working on my cars?
In his own words, he "just likes taking things apart."
Seriously reliable, he's a car lover just like me. His "baby" is
a 1972 Chevy Nova that originally came with a
straight 6, but now houses a potent 350 Chevy that he built himself.
But first, a word about Darren's own collection of rollingviolations...
RV101 - 1972 Chevrolet Nova 4 door. Black. Not the
prettiest car on the road in 1989, but a steal for $250.
Parked and used for parts, and eventually sawzalled into pieces.
RV102 - 1963 Morris Minor 4 door. Just weird. Still buried
in a tarp in his parent's back yard. RV103 - 1972 Chevrolet Nova. Click Here for
it's page.
RV104 - 1978 Dodge 1/2 ton. Stepside with a wood floor.
Just like the "L'il Red Truck" except this one used more oil than gas
and you had to start it from under the hood with a screwdriver.
Just traded for parts for the Nova.
RV105 - 1976 Chevrolet Malibu. Rust, and lots of it.
Donated the engine to be used in the Nova.
RV106 - 1986 Chevrolet Cavalier. Daily driver for about two
years. Will eventually dissolve in the rain.
RV107 - 1985 Chevrolet Celebrity. Now approaching 200,000 miles
(300,000 km.)
Coming soon, once I tweak it for web downloading (it's currently 30 megs) is the infamous
birthday at Hooters movie.
Crazy Ivan (Darren's Dad)
Crazy Ivan isn't really crazy, he just has a high tolerance for his son
and friends' never ending collection of junker cars. (Maybe he is
crazy... or maybe not.)
When Darren was younger and his friends didn't have space to fix their
broken cars we could almost always use Darren's dad's driveway.
Mr. Kerr (Crazy Ivan) was nice enough to give us space and he would even
lend us his tools and help! (I think he's like Darren and just
likes taking things apart.)
I owe Darren, Mr. Kerr and Mrs. Kerr a big thank you. ;)
I guess that's why Darren was my best man at my wedding and soon to be
my brother-in-law...
Funniest story - Ivan found out that not only does rear end grease
smell funny, but it acts as a wicked hair dye - it turned his hair
green... and doesn't wash out well. Makes for interesting
conversation at work.
2002-Nov-22. Please don't use my images without giving
credit. For copyright questions, please contact the webmaster.